niedziela, 14 sierpnia 2011

NOKIA OWI amazing Ambient Media


(Ambient Media)

Nokia Navigation Services "The World's Biggest Signpost"

Entrant: Farfar, Stockholm

Agency: Farfar

(The Brief: Nokia called for an idea that would drive interest into their navigation products. Both on their phones and on the web.

Solution: We started building one of the world’s largest interactive installations. A 50 meter tall 60 ton structure that pointed out peoples favorite locations all around the world. You could submit your location either trough your phone or by dropping a pin on the Good Things map, and within moments the giant turned and pointed out the direction and distance to your location.
Results: Users on Nokias online navigation service increased with 129 % and after the campaign Nokia made The Good Things Map into a permanent feature inside the acutal service and is now available on every market. People are still adding their favorite places to the map.)


 Medical Imaging. "Pin-Up Calendar 2010"
Agency: BUTTER. Berlin/Duesseldorf

Najlepsze reklamy 2010 roku według Cresta International Advertising Awards

WHAT: TV Advertisment


środa, 25 maja 2011

porządek w telefonie przede wszystkim

Kawa z rana

czy każdy z Was marzy o kawei do łóżka?

Never go to good

Glasses for man

cut your hairs


Perwanal Saatchi & Saatchi in Jakarta, Indonesia, has taken interactivity and creepy-crawliness to a new, flat level with the creation of this massive “floor sticker” in an Jakarta shopping center. The ad, for Jakarta’s pet emporium JAKPETZ, promotes Frontline Flea & Tick Spray with the slogan “Get them off your dog.” Viewed from the upper levels, the people walking on the ad look disgustingly flea-like, and the scene elicits constant reactions that sound something like “yikes!”


Publicize Monday Night Hot Wings at Le Cactus restaurant-bar, with a very small budget. Communicate the burning effect of spicy wings by putting stickers featuring the face of a men screaming on the rear window of taxis. The man's tonque is superimposed on the central brake light, creating the effect of extreme heat. Many positive comments from current customers, increased traffic, and tingling tonques.

Other definicion of guerilla marketing

Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. Typically, guerrilla marketing tactics are unexpected and unconventional; consumers are targeted in unexpected places, which can make the idea that's being marketed memorable, generate buzz, and even spread virally. The term was coined and defined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary and marketing textbooks.


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